Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"There are two ways of looking when it comes to a window.  I can look at a window.  I can notice the glass, see if there are any streaks or dust particles or bubbles in it.  Or, I can look through a window.  I can view the world beyond it by using it as a opening to the world. Sometimes I look at the Scriptures.  I study its story.  I ask questions.  Thoughts of God's goodness, love, and peace lodge in my mind.  The idea is that I begin also to look at my world through the pictures - through the perspective of God's constant care and presence."

"You have great freedom . . . to allow the Spirit to rewire your mind.  As that happens, the Holy Spirit's goal is not get you really good at suppressing angry behavior.  It is for you to have a mind characterized by an ever-increasing flow of Spirit-guided, truth-based, life-producing thoughts and feelings."

from The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hosea 11 will rock your world.
Check it out.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

All Glory to You, Lord.

"I am in business as surely as I am in the sanctuary of worship. In fact, the former becomes the proving ground of the latter. Your own inner consecration hallows the outer action. two may do what appears to be the same work. The difference is in the bent of the soul whether it be for the glory of God or for self-aggrandizement. I breathe My very life into that which is offered to Me as a sacrifice of love." 
- On the Highroad of Surrender by Frances J. Roberts